SEN/ Inclusion
In our school we make provision for pupils with all types of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
All children in school have support within lessons through Adaptive Teaching techniques, scaffolding and precision teaching strategies. This means that learning activities, provision and resources are planned according to the level the child is working at , so that they make continuous progress from their individual starting points.
St Chad’s is a fully accessible school. As a school, we would always make adjustments to ensure that all children are fully included.
The school’s graduated approach to meeting learning difficulties has been designed so that parent/carers will be informed if their child has been identified as requiring additional support.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress, or believe they may require reasonable adjustments to be made to their education, please contact your child’s class teacher as the first port of call. Class teachers know your children best in school and will able able to discuss any adaptive teaching methods or provision that can be put in place straight away.
After adaptive teaching methods have been put in place, we recommend a period of approximately 6 weeks where any potential progress can be made and evidenced. If your child needs additional support, beyond the reasonable adjustments already put in place by the class teacher, staff are then able to make a referral to the SENDCo, Mrs Bee. Together staff will then look at provision already put in place, and any next steps which need to be taken.
Please see the SEND Process flowchart and SEND information report below for more detail.

For further support locally and county wide please click the link below to find out about any other support you may be able to access via the Staffordshire Connects website.
Please see below for parent guides into SEND support in UK schools and the EHCP process.