Maths Curriculum
‘Never underestimating the value of strong foundations and deeper understanding.’
-Mrs. Brown – Mathematics Leader-
Maths No Problem
We teach maths through the Maths No Problem programme. This is built from the Singapore maths approach. Securing strategies to solve problems is at the heart and aims to provide children with opportunities to visualise and decision make as they progress. The CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach is fundamental to teaching and learning throughout the programme. This is where children gain a secure understanding of mathematical concepts using physical apparatus and visual concepts to deepen their understanding before moving onto apply their learning in an abstract form.
Fluency in Maths
Fluency in maths is understanding the core principles of number – developing ‘number sense’ – and being able to choose the most effective method to complete a calculation. To do this, children need number facts at their finger tips. To supplement the Maths No Problem approach, we have allocated daily slots of ‘Fluency’ based learning. This is where children practice and refine their understanding of fundamentals in mathematics. This will then support children in choosing efficient methods for calculations. In KS1 we use Numbots and the materials from NCETM. In KS2 we use Tough Ten and TT Rockstars.
In addition to daily retrieval tasks, children complete ‘Retrieval Round-Up’ tasks on Fridays, which requires children to retrieve their learning from previous weeks, terms and topics. This supports children by closing gaps in their learning and is an effective way in helping knowledge to ‘stick’.
Reasoning, Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving
Daily reasoning, mathematical thinking and problem solving tasks allow children the opportunity to apply logical thinking, explore ideas and justify and explain their thinking, in all areas of mathematics. This is taught in addition to Maths No Problem.
Numbots and TTRockstars

Our children have access to Numbots and TT Rockstars. Most children receive their Numbots login in KS1 and are then moved onto TT Rockstars in preparation for KS2.
Numbots and TTRockstars are online platforms, which aim to improve essential maths skills for children across the primary phase. Children can now access Numbots and TTRockstars using the app on their iPads.
In celebration worship, a child from each class is awarded a certificate based on their TT Rockstars/Numbots achievements.
TT Rockstars Parent/Carer Guide
Logging into TT Rockstars
An overview of TTRockstars games
Times tables are recognised as essential to access many mathematical concepts and knowledge will be assessed at the end of Y4 by a National test.
Times Table Rockstars is an online tool aimed at 7-11 year olds to support children with learning and recalling their times tables at speed. Each child has their own personal login, which is managed by their class teacher.
Speed and accuracy are important; the more children can recall at speed, the easier it is to access more challenging calculations and reasoning problems as they progress through the maths curriculum. Times Table Rockstars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master their times tables!
When children first login, they choose their own rock star name and design their own avatar.
There are single player modes to play, for example:
Garage – This is the main mode the children should play. The questions will only come from the times tables the teacher has set for the week. As pupils start to answer questions, TT Rock Stars works out which facts they take longer on and will give them more of these questions to answer.
Studio – the questions in the Studio can be anything from 2×2 up to 12×12. TT Rock Stars calculates each the mean speed from their last 10 games in the Studio and translates into a Rock Status.
There are also multi-player modes, for example:
Rock Arena – The Arena allows players to compete against all other members of their Band/Class (their Band mates would need to join the same game in order to compete together).
Rock Festival – The Rock Festival games are open to players from around the world. The questions are selected at random from 2×2 to 12×12.
For some friendly competition, children can challenge other pupils across the school.
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