Welcome to St Chad’s Nursery
St Chad’s Nursery is governor run. We have 8 morning and afternoon places. The nursery was founded in September 2016 and it is situated at the back of the school overlooking the playing fields. We have five passionate and dedicated early years’ practitioners who have a breath of knowledge, experience and qualifications to maximise each child’s full potential.
We believe every child, family and member of staff matters. We strive to work in partnership through a culture of listening, to enable everyone to achieve their true potential. We are building a successful learning community that celebrates diversity. We welcome the children into an environment that is, friendly, stimulating, thoughtful, safe and supportive, where they can grow and learn together.
We aim:
- To provide an environment in which every child will have the opportunity to flourish and achieve.
- To promote positive attitudes which allow children to work, play and co-operate within a group.
- To provide a wide, varied and balanced curriculum giving equal opportunities for all children in all areas of learning.
- To encourage children to become more self-reliant both in activities and in building relationships, in order to function as independent and confident learners.
- To educate children about the importance of leading healthy lifestyles.
- To nurture our youngest children and promote strong foundations in the prime areas of learning.
- To support children to excel in their learning and achievement and make progress from their starting points.
- To recognise the partnership with parents is paramount to ensure the continuing development of the child.
- To provide children with a range of learning experiences as they access all areas of the school.
Miss Dudley – Nursery and Wraparound Care Manager
Nursery Hours
Nursery opens: 8:45am
End of Morning Session: 11:45am
Afternoon Session: 12:00pm
End of Day: 3:00pm
Nursery is only open during school term time
Nursery Fees
Morning Session (8.45am – 11.45am) – £13.00
Afternoon Session (12.00 midday – 3.00pm) – £13.00
Full day inc. lunchtime (8.45am – 3.00pm) – £28.00
Nursery Funding