Pupil Premium and Recovery Strategy
The Pupil Premium is a Government funded finance stream that is aimed to support the improvement of educational outcomes for groups of disadvantaged children e.g. those in receipt of Free School Meals currently or during the last 6 years, Service Children and Looked after Children.
In 2011/12, the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding for schools. This money is allocated to schools based on the numbers of pupils in the school that are eligible for Free School Meals. From 2012/13 this has been expanded to include all children who have been eligible for Free School Meals within the last 6 years.
These funds must be spent on initiatives to ensure pupils reach all that they are capable of, both academically and socially.
Our ambition at St Chad’s
‘At St Chad’s we strive for all children who are entitled to Pupil Premium to become well rounded individuals who will, through our provision, experience education and skills for life in a fun, exciting way that enables them to thrive in confidence and achieve everything they are capable of.’
Desired outcomes for children eligible for Pupil Premium at St Chad’s
- Improve their academic attainment
- Accelerate their academic progress
- Develop their skills for the future
- Extend their learning opportunities
Year Four at Ingestre Hall Residential
Y5 Parent/Carer Lunch
KS2 Reading Workshop for Parents