Phonics – RWI
At St Chad’s Primary, reading is a priority. Early reading is crucial to provide children with the tools to access the wider curriculum and progress through their learning.
We are a Read, Write Inc school, using this strategy to teach early reading and writing daily. Pupils are assessed on a regular basis using the RWI assessment grids, this ensures that all pupils are in the correct teaching groups. Groupings are homogenous – they are not limited to year groups and provide children with a teaching group appropriate to their specific targets. When needed, children move to a new group to work on their next reading targets. All group leaders are Read Write Inc trained and receive regular RWI coaching.
As part of the approach, children who require extra targeted support will receive ‘fast track tutoring’, which is delivered by a RWI trained member of staff. Additionally, in KS2 we use ‘Fresh Start’ which provides support and interventions in line with the RWI approach at an age appropriate level.
What will my child learn through RWI? (PDF)
Visit Oxford Owl for further information and free resources to download to support your child at school.
Parent Introductory PowerPoint (PDF)
Video clips: