Music at St Chad’s

Music is an essential part of life and plays a significant role in the development of the whole person. Here at St Chad’s, we believe that regular opportunity to engage in musical experiences is crucial for the development of the whole child.

Through teaching Music, we aim to provide our pupils with the foundations to understand, engage and inspire children to develop a life-long love of music, increase their self-confidence, creativity and imagination, and provide opportunities for self-expression and a sense of personal achievement.

Children take part in a wide range of activities to develop their talents in all aspects of music including instrumental skills, composition, singing and appreciation. Singing plays a fundamental part in our daily acts of Collective Worship, with children learning songs from a wide – range of backgrounds and different musical genres. A large number of children also receive peripatetic music lessons which provides children with the opportunity to learn a wide range of musical instruments.

At St Chad’s, we believe that opportunities for children to perform in groups, such as our amazing School Choir and RockSteady also helps to foster essential life skills such as co-operation, mutual support, self-discipline and commitment.

Music also plays a key role in helping children to feel part of a community. At St Chad’s, we give many opportunities for children to share their musical skills at various events both inside and outside of school. For instance, children who learn a musical instrument will sometimes perform in Collective Worships and the School Choir perform in a variety of concerts across the academic year such as Young Voices. We are also proud to celebrate different cultures within the school as the children have the opportunity to learn songs in different languages.

For more information about the important role music has to play here at St Chad’s, please see our Music Development Plan for this academic year by clicking the link below:

Music Development Plan 2024-25