Transition is a vital part of a child’s growth and development as they move through school. We are aware that while this is very exciting, it is also a period of change which can bring worry and concern. Building relationships between teachers, children and parents is vital, so we have carefully considered the transition process for all children to ensure it is inclusive and enables children to get to know their teachers beyond transition days too.
Transition Days: For two mornings in Summer 2, children will be moved into their new classes to get to know their class teacher and find out about the new academic year. This will take place in their new classrooms so children can begin to get used to their learning base in September. Children will undertake various activities designed to share their likes and dislikes with their new teacher and help develop a new relationship.
SEND pupil profile: For children with SEND, we will be sending home a pupil profile to complete, this is where parents/carers can add information about your child to help the new class teacher to get to know them and their specific needs even better. You child’s current class teacher will also contribute to this.
Meet the Teacher: In Summer Two, we will hold our ‘meet the teacher’ informal drop-in, where you can pop by and meet your new class teacher.
Curriculum Overviews: Curriculum overviews will be populated on class pages so that you can see ahead of time what your child will be learning about.