Year Five


Hi, I’m Mrs Brown and I’d like to welcome you to the Year 5 class page, where you can have a little glimpse into life in the Year 5 classroom.

All About Me

I am really pleased to be back in Year 5, working with dedicated support staff and inquisitive children.  I have spent most of my teaching career working across Key Stage 2, but Year 5 is definitely one of my favourite year groups.  My favourite subjects are maths, RE and English.

One of the most enjoyable times for me during this year will be our residential trip, this year to Laches Wood.  I believe it is a really valuable experience for children, and it’s wonderful to see them flourish in a different environment and grow in confidence (even if it does mean some sleepless nights for me!!).    ‘Night under the stars’ is another time that I really enjoy. Yes, you’ve guessed it, I love the great outdoors. 

I believe that this type of enrichment for children, and giving pupils different opportunities outside of the classroom is really important: it’s character building, challenging and, most importantly, fun!

It’s probably no surprise to you, that in my spare time I am outside at every opportunity, whether dog walking, gardening and growing vegetables or exploring the countryside.

Curriculum Overview

What am I learning about this half term?


What will I need?